o christmas tree

december 1st, and not a single snow yet this winter.  53 degrees? someone throw another tire on the burn pile.

jk. i love mother earth.

now if only we could eliminate frost. this morning my roommate almost got into an accident backing out of our driveway. she was too busy laughing at me scraping the frost off my windows to notice the car hurling down our street. [she parks in the garage, where frost never accumulates on her windows- which is why she enjoys laughing at my misery. at least she was nice enough to buy me the scraper for my car. haha.]  frost is such a bitch. mainly because i hate having to wake up an extra 15 minutes early to scrape it off.  but alas, i will not continue to complain, as the temperature has been so nice today.

in the spirit of it being december, my roommate and i spent our sunday readying the house for christmas. most importantly, we put up the tree

i apologize for the poor quality photos, as i have been using my camera phone, rather than my nice camera to take pics. but oh how it glows! im fairly certain we could power a small village with the amt of electricity we are using to light that beautiful bastard. not only is it a pre-lit tree, but we also have 5 extra strands of lights on that bitch. over excessive? you betcha. but worth it. hey, its the holidays. and we’re just doing our part as americans to consume as much energy as possible. gluttony in every form. ‘MERICA!  just wait ’til we put up our outdoor lights on the house. but do not worry, we have it set on a timer so that it may shut off late at night.

after tomorrow, i am officially done with school! WOOT WOOT. my winter break begins a week earlier than other students, due to the fact that most of my art teachers do not want to be around doing critiques for our finals. thank goodness! i do not know what i will do with all my free time?!?! maybe i will knit some more. most certainly i will be baking christmas cookies. and our house will remain spotless during the entire winter break, as i love to clean when i am bored. or when i am procrastinating. or when i am angry. there is something intoxicating about clean floors, vacuumed rugs and dusted surfaces. maybe its just the high im getting from the lemon fresh scents.

this is the first semester i am not stressed to the max about getting my work finished, and let me tell you, its amazing. i hope my fellow students survive the next week. i know many of you don’t have it as easy as i do this semester. i am not sure how it happened, but i definitely got lucky.

hope your week is  going swell. i know mine is.


ps. check out kiki smith. google her, wikipedia whatever. feminist artist. super cool. works with the figure. i love her work.

~ by catlady1027meow on December 1, 2009.

One Response to “o christmas tree”

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